Monday, June 21, 2010

東北の出張 -- Tohoku Trip!

This past week my boss, Akane-san, and I headed up North to visit some of our pro shop customers and some Murasaki Sports stores.  We had a lot of fun and the staff from Murasaki Sports were surprisingly very happy to see us!  So much so that the Akita store put in a big order for us!!  =D

Needless to say, we got the good word out all over the Tohoku region and a lot of people are really starting to take notice of Index Ink over here in Japan - Awesome!  Naturally they always ask about our skate team and who we have.  And, the recent addition of Clay Kreiner to the Index Ink team is great!! I think he could definitely become a reference point for young skaters here in Japan, as well as the US.

I suppose I should mention that one of the places we hit up was Akita Prefecture, and, that I went to a university there for a year (exchange program), which is rapidly growing in popularity not just in Japan, but all over the world!  Akita International University (秋田国際教養大学.) Check it out for yourself.

A little unknown/known fact, depending on who you talk to, Akita is one of Japan's best kept secrets.  The local cuisine, culture and more importantly the people are truly the best!!  They have this festival, or Matsuri (祭り), called Namahage.  In short, this festival is to scare the living daylights out of children in the hopes they obey their parents, don't get into trouble, etc.  To be honest, I think it works.  haha

Likewise, there was this restaurant in Akita city that had the "Namahage" theme.  Akane-san and I were super stoked to eat there, however, they were completely booked.  We were so bummed!

I had the opportunity to attend this festival when I was in Japan the first time (2004/5) and it was as though I was literally in a dream world.  It felt like something out of a movie.  It really did.  So, if you're ever in Japan I highly, highly suggest hitting up Akita!

Tokyo, tuning out.

Also, I found an interesting cultural Japanese character called, "Hyottoko ひょっとこ"