Sunday, August 15, 2010

New gear... on the horizon...

Hello to All,

Again, it has been a while since my last post (there seems to be a pattern here.)  Regardless, it has been an eventful past month and a half for sure!  Since my last post I have; met up with Chad and discussed a lot about Index Ink's solid future in Japan, was able to see some of the new stuff for the Fall/Winter/Holiday of 2010 and so on - sweet lookin' stuff!!

Also, during this past month or so I was able to head home for a short stint to see family and friends and do some fishing and work on some cars (drag cars to be exact!!)

Anywho, now that I am back in Japan things are starting to take off.  Busy, busy, busy!  If I am not mistaken Chad and Teff were busy this past week (and weekend) with the ASR show in San Diego!  We, too, are gearing up for our "ASR" which is called Interstyle Expo (Sept. 1~2.)  This expo is pretty much like ASR, just in Japanese! haha

Since the last post several more orders have been placed for Index Ink - woo hoo!  In particular, a really cool, small-time skate and surf shop called, "SUBSTANCE SURF"!  The owner and long time surfer/skater, Moroi-san is as legit as they get!  Surfing and skating for over 30 years it goes without saying this guy knows his $%&^!   He's really stoked on his Index decks right now!!

And, since we're now talking about Tokyo...I happened to go out the other night in Shibs (Shibuya) with some friends for some drinks and some dinner and happened to stumble across these two distinguished gentlemen.  The "less fit" gentleman to the left woke up just after I took the pic and informed me, verbatim... "I AM BLACK BEAR!" to which he then proceeded to resume his hibernation...  And, for the record, guys and gals passing out like this in public is not all that uncommon.

Like this guy, I'm out!!

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