Monday, May 30, 2011

Getting to know...

I must admit, managing riders can be difficult at times.  But when it comes to this kid it's never a dull moment.  For a 7yr old, Noah is rather soft spoken when around adults, yet all smiles when he's on that board!

So, I wanted some of our loyal readers to get to know this up-and-comer like I do.  While an interview as such can't match some shred time talk with this kid, hopefully, it will give you an idea of how positive, fun and focused this lil shred is - "If I were King" question being a prime example!  Let's put it this way, Nike has asked him to be in several SB commercials as of late.  I'm hoping they don't swoop on this kid!

A little Q&A with Keith Noah Kuwabara...
Name: Keith Noah Kuwabara (Half Brazilian/Half Japanese)
Age: 7
Resides: Hiratsuka City, Kanagawa (Japan)
Occupation: First Grader & Skateboarder

How long have you been doin' your thang?
A little over 2 years now (since I was about 4 1/2 yrs old)

What motivates you to get up in the morning?
School & Skating!

Best burrito spot? Or favorite food joint?
Tomoroshi Steak  (search:とうもろこし ステーキ)

What's your setup?
Blind skateboard, Thunder trucks, Index wheels (50s,) and Bones bearings

Favorite type of music? Artist/group?
Michael Jackson/Jackson 5... stuff like that... just pop music in general, I guess.

Coke or Pepsi?
uuuuummmm.... Coke!  I gots ta have the Coke!

If you were in a highspeed chase...
I'd be flyin!

When I grow up...
I wanna be a pro skater and surfer!

Favorite trick?
Kick flip, Varial kick flip, Indy air and Double kick flip
Local session spot?
X-dome (Ebina City, Kanagawa)

Favorite ride?

What's your biggest accomplishment(s) so far?
Age 5: 5th place/79 competitors, Kugenuma Skatepark: Mini-Ramp Comp (Under 9);  1st Place Murasaki Sports/X-Dome Mini-ramp Comp (Under 12);  1st Place X-Dome Mini-ramp Contest (Kindergarten Class); 1st place 'High Air" Contest (Under 15)

Age 6: Making legit 12ft vertical drops and sick twistin kick flips; GATE Street Contest/Novice Class - 8th place (No age limit); 15th out of 40 at Hanakawa Skatepark's Open Amateur Class (no age limit)

And, lastly, having people always telling me I can't do something because I am "too small," but proving them wrong in the end by being able to stick it!

Give us an interesting little known fact about yourself...
On my 7th Birthday I shoved cake all in my face - what's up!?

Other interest or hobbies?
Surfing, snowboarding and traveling!

Are you competitive by nature?
Yeah, I think so.  I always want to be number one - to get that trophy!

Money's no object and you were leaving tonight, where would you go?
I would wanna go to Kelley's (Index Ink Japan rep) house!!

Morning or night ?
Night, and you know this man!

How do you continue to push yourself?
With my heart.  I just tell myself, 'you can do this!'

Where do you wanna be 5 years from now?
I wanna be on top of some mega-ramp in the States, participating in the X-games and slaying it with some gnarly backflip-based tricks!!

If I were king?
I would make the entire country a giant skateboard park and then rip it up with my friends or just anyone and everyone!!

Any shout outs to other sponsors, friends, family?
To everyone, thank you for all the support!  I love you all!!

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